Unlock access to our exclusive network of vetted startups to enable meaningful pilot programs within your organization — and position yourself as one of the leaders in the rapidly growing AgeTech market.
Get connected to a curated portfolio of startups and pilot new tech that can change the lives of the people you serve, as well as improve efficiency and reduce costs across your organization.
Get access to invite-only events hosted by experts in the ecosystem, foster connections and collaboration opportunities, and stay current on research and trends in AgeTech.
Share pilot findings, knowledge of the 50+ market, and emerging issues in the aging space with other participants in our community, in order to foster more successful pilot programs.
Access cutting-edge research and expertise on trends in the AgeTech space, including changing consumer attitudes, the impact of tech on older audiences, and new discoveries in the science of longevity.
*AARP 2023 Tech Trends and Adults 50+, Jan 2023 https://www.aarp.org/research/topics/technology/info-2023/2023-technology-trends-older-adults.html
As part of our one-of-a-kind ecosystem, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with select startups working on groundbreaking AgeTech solutions — as well as the support and resources to make those collaborations successful. Plus, you’ll be among the first to offer access to this exciting new technology, including virtual reality experiences, wearable tech, and mobility aids.
As a testbed, I have a resource with [The AgeTech Collaborative] to seek out solutions for any challenge I might have as a nonprofit retirement community. I have a resource to discuss how to best select and evaluate companies seeking to bring a service or product into our community. And I have a partner to help measure efficacy. In the end, the testbed relationship helps us to know, empirically, the strength of our programming so we can know we are making a difference.
The AgeTech Collaborative is my go-to resource for all things related to tech and aging. It's a wonderful community that provides a wealth of information, resources, and events.
Forward-thinking testbeds making a difference.
Join our one-of-a-kind ecosystem of the best minds in AgeTech.